This week Agency ADvisor celebrates our 14th year of being in business. I am not one who typically gets overly excited about birthdays or anniversaries. It seems like they happen way too often and too quickly anymore. Especially birthdays. However, this one is different. I guess it is because I am more excited than ever on the direction and future of Agency ADvisor.
As I reflect back over the past 14 years, I first wonder where the time went. Then I reflect and am humbled by all of the great clients and wonderful people I have had the privilege to meet and work with over that time. I have walked through the doors of over 650 agencies in the United States and Canada during the past 14 years and have met thousands of wonderful people. Many I consider family. We have been lucky enough to have clients in every state, except for Rhode Island. I have survived countless canceled flights and delays. I have been snowed in a handful of times (some of you know I do not drive in the snow).
I think I can name every Marriott property in every major city. I cannot tell you how many times I have walked out of my hotel in the morning and not remember the color or make/model of the rental car I am driving. I am so grateful for whoever invented GPS and made it so easy on my iPhone. I no longer have to have printed MapQuest pages from the airport to hotel, to client, back to a hotel, back to rental car center. Texting while driving is a dangerous act. However, trying to read a printed map while driving in an unknown environment is near suicidal!
I am most grateful for our clients that have gone paperless, the 200 + that we have helped implement Workamajig, 150+ Advantage and other software products. Moreover, the countless agencies that are successfully growing from our partnership. One of the biggest rewards I receive is seeing the eyes light up when I make a return visit to a client, and they start telling me how much more profitable and streamlined they are from our collaboration.
In closing, I just want to say Thank You! Thank you for the support you have provided us over the past 14 years. The majority of our business comes from referrals, which is the biggest compliment we can receive. We could not have done it without each and every one of you!